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Dinosaurs and Dinosauriana
From the time the first strange fossils were found in the
early 1800s to the discovery of Sue and Supersaurus, dinosaurs,
and other species of the Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous, have
fascinated us. Their extinction, whether by Biblical deluge or
stray comet, makes them all the more mysterious. We have day-dreamed
about them while reading fiction like Crichton's Jurassic Park
or Conan Doyle's The Lost World, and fantasized over their
remains in museums.
Paleontologists, evolutionary biologists and fossils hunters have
been writing reports, essays and books, both popular and scientific,
about these creatures for almost as long as their bones have been
available for study. The 1950s and 60s saw a profusion of titles
that described and explored the lives of these creatures, using the
latest scientific discoveries to bring them to life ... and the
public imagination was fired!
Works, Pre-1950
Works, 1950-Present
Books for Children and Young Adults

From the cover art by John Gurche
for The Dinosaur Heresies
Works, Pre-1950

The entries in this section are links to books on the
Natural History and the Sciences list.
They are for works that are partly on dinosaurs and their contemporaries,
but rightly belong in the Paleontology or
Geology sections.
[British Museum (Natural History)]. A Guide
to the Fossil Reptiles and Fishes in the Department of Geology and
Palæontology. British Museum (Natural History): London, 1896. [Seventh
edition ...].
Hutchinson, H.N. Creatures of Other Days.
London: Chapman & Hall, 1894. [First edition]
Works, 1950-Present

Benton, Michael. On the Trail of the Dinosaurs. New York:
Crescent Books, 1989. Later printing. Profusely illustrated with full colour
photographs and art work, as well as b/w historical engravings. A fine copy
in original square grey boards; full-colour pictorial dust jacket, now a touch
toned on spine
[Tea Card set] . Prehistoric Animals. Croydon [England]: Brooke
Bond Oxo Ltd., [1972]. Text by Dr. Alan Charig, illustrations by Maurice
Wilson. Complete set of 50 small (1.5" x 2.75") cards, originally issued in
packages of Brooke Bond Tea.
Full colour image of
extinct creatures from the Upper Devonian (Eusthenopteron) to the Middle
Pleistocene (Australopithecus), most from the age of dinosaurs; verso provides
accompanying explanatory text. A fine, clean, bright set in protective sheets.
Clark, Austin H. The New Evolution:
Zoogenesis. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins, 1930. Orange pictorial
(stegosaur in silhouette) dust jacket.
Colbert. Edwin H. The Age of Reptiles. New York: W.W. Norton, 1965.
First edition. From The World Naturalist series. A classic work on the
Mesozoic age, written from a reptilian perspective, by one of the leading
paleontologists of the day; "illustrated by 16 pages of half-tones and 67 line
drawings". A near fine copy in original green cloth a bit bumped at top
corners and with a few faint marks on covers;
gold and black pictorial
(reptilian dinosaur) dust jacket creased at top edge and spine ends;
closed tear at lower rear flap fold; price-clipped but with publisher's new price.
Colbert. Edwin H. The Age of Reptiles. New York: W.W. Norton, 1965.
Second printing. From The World Naturalist series. "Illustrated by 16 pages
of half-tones and 67 line drawings". Original green cloth a little faded on rear
panel, spine gilt bright. gold and black pictorial (reptilian dinosaur) dust jacket
lacking small pieces at head and tail of spine; with small scrape on front panel near
title. A very good copy.
Colbert, Edwin H. Digging into the Past. New York: Dembner
Books, 1989. [First edition]. "An Autobiography ..." Illustrated with
drawings and photographs. Original grey boards with blue cloth spine, bright
and clean; pictorial (Colbert in the fields) dust jacket, with minor creasing
at bottom of front panel, and faint rubbing at spine ends. A fine copy.
Desmond, Adrian J. The Hot-Blooded Dinosaurs: A Revolution in
Palaeontology. New York: Dial Press/James Wade, 1976. Second American
printing. Profusely illustrated with photographs, historical engravings, and
modern art work; printed in brown. A near fine copy in original brown rexine,
with "ding" at bottom edge of front cover; pictorial (Jurassic view) full
colour dust jacket, price-clipped and a touch sunned on spine.
Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs. New York: Beekman House, 1990.
Extensively illustrated in full colour and b/w. A fine copy in original oblong
folio pictorial (Corythosaurus herd) laminated boards; p.15/16 creased. Near fine
matching dust jacket a touch rubbed and lightly edge creased. A review of
dinosaur paleontology, followed by a species-by species compendium; "A Visual
Guide to Prehistoric Life with Over 140 Dinosaur Profiles."
Glut, Donald F. The Dinosaur Dictionary. New York: Bonanza
Books, 1972. Later printing. Profusely b/w illustrated alphabetical compendium
of dinosaurian species; excellent basic reference. Original light orange boards
with beige cloth spine; colour pictorial (Yale mural) dust jacket, with very
light creasing to head of spine and top rear corner. Fine.
Grady, Wayne. The Dinosaur Project: The Story of the Greatest
Dinosaur Expedition Ever Mounted. Edmonton: Ex Terra Foundation; Toronto:
Macfarlane Walter & Ross, 1993. [First edition]. Black ink mark on
bottom edge, as new in pictorial (mounted Monolophosaurus) dust
jacket. The story of the Canada-China Dinosaur Project, "the most extensive,
comprehensive field expedition in the history of paleontology ..."
Horner, John R. and Gorman, James. Digging Dinosaurs.
New York: Workman Publishing, 1988. First printing. "The search that unraveled
the mystery of baby dinosaurs." Illustrated with art by Donna Braginetz and
Kris Ellingsen, and with 8 pages of colour photographs. Original black boards
with cloth spine, bright and clean; price-clipped
red pictorial
(Horner) dust jacket. A fine copy.
Horner, John R. and Dobb, Edwin. Dinosaur Lives: Unearthing an
Evolutionary Saga. New York: HarperCollins, 1997. First edition.
Illustrated throughout with photographs and drawings. Cream boards with brown
cloth spine; cream pictorial (Horner) dust jacket; a fine copy.
Lessem, Don. Kings of Creation: How a New Breed of Scientists is
Revolutionizing Our Understanding of Dinosaurs. New York: Simon &
Schuster, 1992. First edition. Illustrated with photographs, artwork,
models and maps. Original green boards with grey cloth spine; small black mark
to bottom edge. Pictorial (Deinonychus and Iguanadon) dust jacket, with a
hint of sunning to spine. Fine.
Look, Al. 1,000 Million Years On the
Colorado Plateau. Denver: Bell, 1955. Pictorial (stylistic T-Rex) dust
Man, John. The Day of the Dinosaur. London: Bison Books,
1978. Profusely illustrated with b/w photos and historic
engravings, as well as full-colour art work. Original pale green boards bumped
at front spine corners. Price-clipped colour pictorial (Peabody Museum mural)
dust jacket excellent. A fine copy.
McLoughlin, John C. Archosauria: A New Look at the Old Dinosaur. New
York: Viking, 1979. [First edition]. "...A look at some of the modern
interpretations of the life of the Mesozioc Era", profusely illustrated with
b/w pen and ink drawings by the author. A near fine copy in original black boards,
small (1/4") faint tan patches on endpapers;
b/w pictorial
(dinosuar world) dust jacket cut shorter than volume (as usual).
Muller, Richard. Nemesis. Weidenfeld
& Nicholson: New York, 1988. First edition.
Preiss, Byron and Silverberg, Robert (eds.). The Ultimate Dinosaur: Past,
Present, Future. New York: Bantam, 1992. [First edition]. "From the
World's Leading Scientists and Visionaries ... Philip Curie, Ray Bradbury,
Peter Dodson, Harry Harrison ... and many more." This unique look at dinosaurs
combines in each chapter ("The First Dinosaurs", "The Changing World",
"Dinosaur Behavior", etc.) scientific essays, original art and short stories,
reflecting the latest research on the subject. A fine copy in near fine,
price-clipped, lightly corner bumped
pictorial dust
Psihoyos, Louie with Knoebber, John. Hunting Dinosaurs.
London: Cassell, 1994. First edition. A photo-journalist's view of current
field and laboratory work in dinosaur studies, as much about the international
paleontologists as about their expeditions and discoveries; wonderfully
illustrated with colour photographs. A fine copy in black boards and cloth
spine; fine pictorial
(paleontologist and Carnotaurus model) dust jacket.
Russell, Dale A. An Odyssey in Time: The Dinosaurs of North
America. [Toronto]: University of Toronto Press; National Museum of
Natural Sciences, 1989. [First edition]. Illustrated in colour with
photographs, maps, and art work, many of the latter full or two-page works. A
fine copy in original black boards; black pictorial dust jacket, with a few
tiny "dings" at lower spine corner of rear. "Russell has created an entirely
new kind of dinosaur book and done it so skillfully that its appeal will
extend to a very broad audience ..." (cf. dust jacket).
Swinton, W.E.
Dinosuars. British Museum (Natural History): London, 1967. Third
edition. Author's own copy.
Wallace, Joseph. The American Museum of Natural History's Book of
Dinosaurs and Other Ancient Creatures. New York: Simon & Schuster,
1994. First edition. A fine copy in original gilt-lettered reddish-brown
boards; decorative
(fossil ground
with pictorial insets) dust jacket clean and bright. Well illustrated with
photographs of fossil skeletons, digs and the staff at work, and with artwork
commissioned by the museum. This book celebrated and anticipated the 1996
re-opening of the Fossil Halls; it delves into the history of the Museum,
American fossil hunting and paleontologists, and a gallery by gallery review
of the new exhibits.
Wallace, Joseph. The Rise and Fall of the Dinosaur. New York: Gallery
Books, 1987. Exetensively illustrated: half of almost
every page is a painting or model of a dinosaur in life-like situation, or a
diagram or photograph. Original black cloth with minor "dings" to bottom edge;
pictorial (allosaurus model) dust jacket with 1" closed tear at bottom front
hinge and a hint of wear at spine ends. Near fine.
Wilford, John Noble. The Riddle of the Dinosaur. New York: Knopf,
1985. First edition. "With 34 black and white illustrations and with 7
full-color lithographs by Douglas Henderson." A fine copy in original
gilt-lettered grey boards with cream cloth spine; pictorial dust jacket a
touch curled at top edge. An excellent survey of dinosaur scholarship.
Books for
Children and Young Adults 
Edmonds, William. The Iguanodon Mystery. Harmondsworth: Kestrel Books,
England, 1979. First edition. Signed by the author on title page and
with presentation inscription on half title. Gilt-lettered brown
boards lightly bumped at corners and spine ends;
(iguanodon pond near Chrystal Palace) dust jacket barely creased at edges.
A fine copy. This book traces (through photographs, drawings, diagrams and
text) the advances in the study of dinosaurs by examining one creature, the
Polisar, Barry Louis. Dinosaurs I Have Known. Silver Spring,
Md: Rainbow Morning Music, 1986. First edition. Illustrated with b/w artwork
by Michael Stewart. Full colour pictorial (Saxosaurus) boards and matching
dust jacket, both bumped at corners and lightly creased at spine ends; jacket
with a few short closed tears at bottom edge of rear panel. A wonderfully
fanciful compendium of "everyday" dinosaurs, ranging from Voluptuous
Rex (Marilyn Monroe with tail and scaley skin) to Triswamitops
(Triceratops as eastern mystic), truly "A Dinosaur Book for Kids and Adults".
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