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Welcome to our list of travel and exploration. Most are by
19th century westerners travelling through the "less civilized" parts
of the world. Included are works on exploration, military life,
missionary travels, and T.E. Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia). I will be
adding to the list as time and stock allow. Please check back soon!
Anthropology and Culture
Chalmers, Thomas. On the Power,
Wisdom and Goodness of God as Manifested in the Adaptation of External Nature to
the Moral and Intellectual Constitution of Man. London: William Pickering, 1833.
Bridgewater Treatise, no.I.
Hartland, Edwin Sidney. Primitive Society: The Beginnings of the Family
& the Reckoning of Descent. London: Methuen, 1921. First edition.
A near fine copy in original light brown cloth, lettered in blind on front
and gilt on spine (now a touch darkened); corners a bit bumped. Endpapers
lightly age-toned; 4 pp. publisher's ads plus 8 pp. catalogue at rear. A
study proposing that matrilineal descent is the true kinship line and that
paternal lines are overlaid it by society.
Jones, F. Wood. Arboreal Man. London: Arnold,
1916. [First edition].
Kidd, Dudley. Savage Childhood: A Study of Kafir Children. London:
Adam and Charles Black, 1906. [First edition]. "With thirty-two full-page
illustrations from photographs by the author." A near fine copy in two-toned
grey cloth, lettered and decorated on spine in gilt, top edge gilt;
corners and spine ends bumped; a few tiny bubbles to front cover.
Occasional foxing; text tight and clean.
Kidd, John. On the Adaptation of External
Nature to the Physical Condition of Man ... London: William Pickering, 1833.
Bridgewater Treatise, no.II
Lubbock, Sir John. The Origin of Civilization and the Primitive
Condition of Man. New York: D. Appleton, 1871. [First US edition].
Illustrated with several full-page and in-text cuts. Original
green cloth, lettered and decorated (Fijian man) in gilt on spine; light
wear to corners and spine ends; covers a bit rubbed, with three inch dark
streak on rear. Bookplate; small piece lacking from each endpaper, with minor
edge wear to front one; pages a bit age-toned, with a few pencilled marginal
marks, otherwise clean and strong; 12 pp. publisher's catalogue at rear.
A near fine copy
Mead, Margaret. New Lives for Old: Cultural Transformation - Manus,
1928-1953. London: Victor Gollancz, 1956. [First edition].
Illustrated with photographs of members of the Manus tribe. A fine copy in
original gilt lettered green boards. Near fine
pale green dust
jacket now lightly soiled, a touch rubbed at hinges, and lightly worn
at head of spine with minor loss. The history of the Manus of New Guinea a
tribe that went "from the Stone Age to the Air Age ... in twenty-five
years ..."
Sollas, W.J. Ancient Hunters and their Modern Representatives.
London: Macmillan, 1915. Second edition. Contains large folding frontispiece
(archival tape repairs to split folds)
and plate, as well as over 300 in-text drawings, diagrams, charts,
photographs, etc., including folding map. Original denim blue cloth lettered
and decorated in gilt on spine; coners and spine ends a bit worn with minor
loss at bottom; very light soiling to covers; top edge gilt. Ink name and
address on front endpaper, 3" corner lacking from same; contents tight, bright
and clean. A near fine copy.
Spencer, Herbert. The Data of Ethics. London: William and Norgate,
1894. Cheap edition (or otherwise the Seventh and Eighth Thousands).
Original maroon cloth, ruled and lettered in black, now sunned on spine
and around edges; corners and spine ends bumped, small "ding" to bottom
edge. Ink name on front endpaper, bookseller's label on pastedown; text
nice and clean, many pages unopened; flyleaves browned; 14 pp. publisher's
ads at rear. A very good copy.
Taylor, Edward B. Anthropology: An Introduction to the Study of
Man and Civilization. London: Macmillan, 1895. Fourth printing.
Illustrated with in-text cuts. Original orange-red cloth, sunned on
spine and fore edge and a touch soiled overall; gilt top edge and
spine lettering dulled. Ink name on front endpaper, bookseller's label
on pastedown; occasional foxing, contents clean and tight.
Ubelaker, Douglas and Scammell, Henry.
Bones: A Forensic Detective's Casebook. [New York]: Edward Burlingame
Books, 1992.
Haggard, H. Rider. The Last
Boer War. London: Kegan Paul, 1899. [First edition].
[Livingstone] David Livingstone and the Victorian Encounter with
Africa. National Portrait Gallery: London, 1996. [First edition].
Lavishly illustrated with colour and b/w photographs, this catalogue
of an NPG exhibition traces Livingstone's life and African explorations
through images, maps and artifacts. As new, in silver-lettered black
cloth, and green and black pictorial (Livingstone) dust jacket.
Adam, G. Mercer. The Canadian North-West: Its History and Its
Troubles .... Rose Publishing: Toronto, 1885. [First edition]. At
head of title: "From Savagery to Civilization." Gilt decoration
(Native Canadian on buffalo hunt) on reddish-brown cover bright and
clear; light wear to corners and spine ends. Front hinge cracked but
tight; slight browning to page margins owing to poor quality of
paper. Very good.
Leacock, Stephen.
Canada: The Foundation of Its Future. Montreal: [House of Seagram],
1941. [First edition].
MacBeth, R.G. The Making of the Canadian West: Being the
Reminiscences of an Eye-Witness. William Briggs: Toronto, 1898.
First edition. A fine copy in gilt stamped maroon cloth, creased at
head and tail of spine; gift inscription on floral front
Moore, Brian. Canada.
Netherlands: Time-Life, 1965. First edition.
Arnold, Sir Edwin. The Light of Asia. John Lane the Bodley
Head: London, 1926. "A new edition with illustrations by Hamzeh
Carr." Sixteen striking full-colour plates, each with titled tissue
guard. Dark oatmeal cloth decorated and lettered in gilt; spine
lightly soiled; top edge gilt; corners just barely worn, spine ends
creased. A very good copy.
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P.O. Box 232, Westmount Station
Westmount, Quebec, Canada H3Z 2T2
Last updated: 9/1/16
Site maintained by Susan