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Welcome to my first list of tobacco and smoking related items and
I hope you will enjoy browsing through it. On reflection, perhaps
"first" is a bit presumptuous, but ... !
The list is alphabetical by author (where known), or by publisher
or title (where not). Many of these books bear the stamps,
hereinafter referred to as "corporate library stamps", of W.D. &
H.O. Wills, Imperial Tobacco Company, or other such organizations,
and/or previous owners' names. Condition is carefully noted.
Armstrong, G.M. and Sumner, C.B. Investigations on Downy Mildew
of Tobacco. Clemson, SC: Clemson Agricultural College, 1935.
Bulletin 303. Original plain printed wrappers with ink annotation at
top of front cover; contents fine.
Atkin, Susanne. The Clay Pipe-Making Industry in Norfolk.
Norfolk, UK, 1985. Reprinted from Norfolk Archaeology. Original
buff printed wrappers, with author's autograph presentation
inscription on front cover. Stapled contents fine.
Badger, Anthony J. Prosperity Road: The New Deal, Tobacco, and
North Carolina. Chapel Hill, NC (1980). [First edition] A fine
copy in dust jacket with a minute tear at base of spine..
Ein Buch über Tabak und Rauchen und über uns. Vienna,
[n.d., late 60s ?] A near fine copy in the original brown pictorial
wrappers, a trifle rubbed at spine. Produced by Austria Tabak.
[Another copy]. A near fine copy in the original brown pictorial
wrappers, a trifle rubbed at spine. Produced by Austria Tabak.
Deal, Borden. The Tobacco Men. London, 1966. First edition. "A
novel based on notes by Theodore Dreiser." A fine copy in the
original brown boards, stamped in gilt on spine, in colour pictorial
dust jacket which is a trifle rubbed at edges.
Field Museum of Natural History. Anthropology Leaflet. No. 29
only (Tobacco and Its Use Africa ).
This is an ancient photocopy (on the old-fashioned glossy paper),
amateurishly bound into hideous two-toned blue paper boards; a
reading copy only.
First Steps in General Knowledge, Part IV. The Vegetable Kingdom.
London: Published by the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge ,
1849. Original blind-stamped brown cloth, titled in gilt on front
cover, with repair to top of front outer hinge and loss to spine
ends. Name and address on front endpaper, otherwise a fine copy with
a passing reference to tobacco on pp. 156-158.
Indian Tobacco: A Monograph. Madras: Published by the Indian
Central Tobacco Committee, 1960. First edition. Original blue cloth,
with photo-pictorial (Indian woman examining tobacco plant), dust
jacket mercilessly taped inside both covers. Corporate library stamp
on front endpaper. A poorly produced book with several loose
gatherings, protruding at the fore-edge; a reading copy.
Jenkins, John Wilber. James B. Duke, Master Builder: The Story of
Tobacco, Development of Southern and Canadian Water-Power and the
Creation of a University. New York, 1927. First edition.
Three-quarter brown leather and paper boards, in poor condition;
covers detatched (but present), spine badly worn and partially
detatched. Contents complete; a rebinding copy only.
Johnson, James and Ogden, William B. Tobacco Mosaic and Its
Control. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin, 1939. Bulletin
445. Original b/w pictorial (diseased tobacco leaf) wrappers, with
pencil/ink notation at top of front panel. Well illustrated with b/w
photos; contents fine.
Mackenzie, M.K. Present Location and Past Diffusion of the
Flue-Cured Tobacco Industry in West Nile District, Uganda.
Kampala, Uganda, 1971. Original printed pale yellow wrappers (now a
trifle soiled) with green cloth spine; small corner missing from rear
cover. Typed text, illustrated with maps, tables, graph and charts. A
very good copy.
McMurtrey, J.E. Distinctive Effects of the Deficiency of Certain
Essential Elements on the Growth of Tobacco Plants in Solution
Cultures. Washington, D.C., 1933. Technical Bulletin No. 340,
U.S. Department of Agriculture. Original printed tan wrappers, with
vestige of vertical crease at center. One colour plate; a near fine
Meade, W.E., [editor] Handbook of Tobacco Culture for Planters in
Southern Rhodesia. Salisbury, Rhodesia, 1913. First edition.
Original green cloth, stamped in yellow; covers spotted and worn at
corners and (especially so) at spine. Front prelims broken away from
the now rusting staples, but remainder of contents, still nice and
tight. Several poor quality, but interesting, b/w photographic
illustrations. A good copy.
Pesticide Residues in Tobacco and Tobacco Products. Brussels,
1976. Vol. 1 [of 3?]: General Report. Information on Agriculture
Series, no. 14. A near fine copy in the original decorated pink and
white wrappers, with large typed title and call number labels
viciously scotch-taped on the spine; corporate library stamp with
notations on front cover.
Pezolt, Alfred and Gertsch, Max. Das Buch vom Tabak.
Zürich, 1946. Text in German. Original two-toned brown and
beige cloth, stamped in brown on front cover and decorated in black
on spine; cloth badly worn at corners and split at outer hinges.
Corporate library stamp inside front cover, pages a little browned at
extreme margins. Despite the poor quality of the text pages, the full
page b/w illustrations are of good quality; and there are a few
tipped in colour plates. Altogether, a very good copy.
Purseglove, J.W. Tropical Crops: Dicotyledons 1. London, 1968.
First edition. Original gilt-letterd green buckram, with call number
at base of spine; pictorial dust jacket laminated and stuck down
inside both covers along edge of flaps. Corporate library stamp on
front endpaper, contents otherwise excellent; a very good copy.
Early 19th Century British Parliamentary
Report of the Select Committeee on the Growth and Cultivation of
Tobacco. [London] 1830. Later three-quarter red leather and
moiré patterned black cloth, titled in gilt on spine; front
cover detatched but present, with call number label on lower left
corner of front cover. Severely chipped front endpaper detatched but
present; Inland Revenue Library stamp and ink number on top corner of
title page. Contents fine.
Rinaldi, Giuseppe. I Tabacchi Orientali nel Salento. Taranto,
[Italy], 1927. Original browning-grey wrappers, printed in red and
black; spine ends frayed, and large piece missing from top left
corner of back cover; ink stamps on rear cover. Despite the cheap
paper used, a very good copy of a fragile item.
Ross, A. Frank and Vinson, C.G. Mosaic Disease of Tobacco: Action
of Proteoclastic Enzymes on the Virus Fraction Nature ...
Columbia, MO: University of Missouri, 1937. Research Bulletin
258. Original plain printed wrappers with ink annotation at top of
front cover; contents fine.
Shiltz, Pierre, Delon, René and Bardon, Jean-Claude. Les
Plantes du G. Nicotiana en Collection a l'Institut du Tabac de
Bergerac. Bergerac, France, 1991. 2ème edition. Cover
title: "Les Nicotianées en Collection a l'Institut du Tabac."
Text in French. A fine copy in the striking original colour pictorial
Tanner, Arthur Edmund. Tobacco: From the Grower to the Smoker.
London: Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons, Ltd., [n.d., 1912] [First
edition] "Pitman's Common Commodities and Industries." Original green
cloth, lettered in black, now somewhat worn and faded, with a 1"
piece gnawed from the lower right fore-edge. Attractive colour
frontispiece, "The Tobacco Plant," and contents excellent. Were it
not for a hungry mouse, this would have been a very good copy of a
book which went through many printings until 1950!
[Another copy]. London: Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons, Ltd., 1945.
Fourth revised edition, 1945 printing. Original blue cloth, lettered
in black. In the pictorial dust jacket which lacks small pieces from
the spine ends, and with some internal tape repairs at folds.
Previous ownership signature and date on front endpaper; attractive
colour frontispiece, "The Tobacco Plant." Altogether, a very good
Tobacco: Present Situation and Prospects. Brussels, 1976.
"Newsletter on the Common Agricultural Policy," no. 3. Original
printed wrappers (staples rusted, trifle soiled) with typed text.
Tollison, Robert D. and Wagner, Richard E. Smoking and the State:
Social Costs, Rent Seeking, and Public Policy. Lexington, MA,
1988. First edition. A fine copy in the original grey boards and
pictorial dust jacket.
Umberger, Eugene, Jr. Tobacco and Its Use: A Bibliography of the
Periodical Literature. Rochester, N.Y., 1984. No. 116 of 450
copies. Original decorated buff wrappers, with author's presentation
inscription on front endpaper. A fine copy.
Vinson, C.G., McReynolds, D.K. and Gingrinch, N.S. Virus Protein
of Mosaic Disease of Tobacco. Columbia, MO: University of
Missouri, 1939. Research Bulletin 297. Original grey printed wrappers
with small ink notation at top left corner of front cover. Contents
Wilbert, Johannes. Tobacco and Shamanism in South America. New
Haven, Ct.: Yale University Press, 1987. First edition. Apart from a
little splaying of the covers, a fine copy in the original cloth and
pictorial dust jacket.
Wolf, Frederick A. Tobacco Diseases and Decays. Durham, N.C.,
1935. First edition. Original brown cloth, a little worn at spine
ends, with ghostly vestige of call number at bottom. Library
bookplate inside front cover, date-due slip and library pocket at
rear; library stamp on verso of title, and neat ink accession number
at bottom of dedication page. Despite the foregoing, a very good
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Wilfrid M. de Freitas
P.O. Box 232, Westmount Station
Westmount, Quebec, Canada H3Z 2T2
Last updated: 3/16/1
Site maintained by Susan