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Works By and About George Bernard Shaw
Works by

Shaw, George Bernard. Advice to a Young Critic: Letters 1894-1928.
London: Peter Owen, 1956. [First UK edition]. Yellow-lettered black cloth;
just a touch rubbed at edges; boards splaying slightly.
Black pictorial
(Shaw) dust jacket, surface rubbed; a few short edge tears, and minor
wear resulting in tiny chips at corners. Near fine, in very good dust
jacket. A collection of letters from Shaw, most to critic and agent R.E.
Golding Bright, discussing his plays, their production, and theatrical
[----- Another copy]. This one not splaying. Dust jacket
more rubbed, and darkened on spine; rear panel dusty;
corners and spine ends worn, lacking small chips. A fine volume in very
good dust jacket.
Shaw, George Bernard. The Apple Cart: A Political Extravaganza.
London: Constable and Company, 1930. [First edition]. A fine copy in
original apple green cloth and
grey-brown dust jacket printed in dark green. As nice a copy as one
could hope for! While by no means a scarce title, it is not often found
in this unusually fine condition.
[----- Another copy]. This one with endpapers and edges lightly
foxed; covers very faintly sunned at edges; corners slightly bumped.
Dust jacket evenly browned; a few closed edge tears and a couple tiny
chips; a few small marks on front panel. Near fine.
Shaw, George Bernard. Buoyant Billions: A Comedy of No Manners In
Prose. [London]: Constable & Co., 1949 [i.e.1950]. "Pictures by
Clare Winsten." Parchment backed
(Shaw and Winsten) cloth, lettered in gilt on spine; lightly foxed
along top edge of front cover; folio. #373 of 1025 copies .
A near fine copy.
Shaw, George Bernard. Everybody's Political What's What.
London: Constable, 1944. First edition. Pencilled name and date on front
endpaper. Contemporary Sunday Times review by A.L. Rowse laid in. Fine.
Shaw, George Bernard. Misalliance, The Dark Lady of the Sonnets, and
Fanny's First Play. London: Constable and Company, 1914. [First
edition]. "With a Treatise on Parents and Children." Original apple green
cloth lettered in gilt on spine, now somewhat soiled; corners bumped and
spine ends creased, with minor fraying; ownership ink stamp
on front endpaper; bookseller's label laid in at rear; endpapers and
some pages "thumbed." A very good copy.
Shaw, George Bernard. My Dear Dorothea: A Practical System of Moral
Education for Females Embodied in a Letter to a Young Person of That
Sex. London: Phoenix House, 1956. First edition. "Illustrated by
Clare Winsten with a note by Stephen Winsten." Original pictorial
(Shaw and Dorothea) cream and rust boards; spine ends bumped; endpapers
age-toned where not in contact with jacket; contents clean and tight.
With matching price-clipped pictorial dust jacket; a bit worn at
spine ends and corners; a touch of rubbing to spine; light dusting to
rear panel. A fine volume in near fine dust jacket.
Shaw, George Bernard. Translations and Tomfooleries. London:
Constable, 1926. First edition. Original apple green cloth, gilt-lettered
on spine; fine and bright, with only minor edge
foxing and tanning of endpapers where not in contact with dust jacket;
ink number on front endpaper. Lacking top 2" of spine of dust
jacket and internally reinforced at spine with archival tape, otherwise
jacket is clean and intact.
Shaw, George Bernard. An Unfinished Novel. London: Constable; New
York: Dodd, Mead, 1958. [First edition]. "Edited, with Introduction by
Stanley Weintraub." One of 50 numbered copies for presentation
(from and edition of 1025 copies) with, inexplicably, a small piece of
paper tape covering "This copy is 7" statement. Original
1/2 brown
cloth with marbled paper boards, lettered in gilt on spine; thin 2"
glue streak on centre of rear cover at join of paper and cloth (binding
fault); partial fading to 2" of red coloured top edge. Publisher's printed
acetate dust jacket (often lacking) a little rubbed and lacking small chip
at head of spine. A near fine copy.
Shaw, George Bernard. The Unprotected Child and the Law.
[London]: The Six Point Group, [n.d., ca,1923]. [First separate edition].
Printed by the Women's Printing Society. Original printed grey wrappers,
severely faded 2" across top of front panel and less so on rear; 8 pp.;
staples rusted. A very good copy.
Elliot, Vivian (comp. and ed.). Dear Mr. Shaw: Selections from Bernard
Shaw's Postbag. London: Bloomsbury, 1987. First edition. "Compiled
and edited by Vivan Elliot. With an introduction by Michael Holroyd." A
fine copy in red boards and pictorial (envelopes) dust jacket. Shaw's wit
at its best, nicely illustrated and wonderfully introduced!
Autographs and Ephemera 
Autograph Postcard Initialed.
Note, postmarked
Paris, 28 IV 1931, to Walter Rummel of Paris. On "Hotel Loti. 7et 9
Rue de Castiglione. Paris" photographic postcard.
Mrs. Shaw has upset all
our plans by going to bed with
a temperature. She will, I hope,
be up tomorrow and presentable and uninfectious the
day after: at any rate, we have committed
ourselves provisionally to a Thursday lunch. But
that will be the utmost she can do. Possibly,
however, I could take on Thursday afternoon
singlehanded. G.B.S.
Text written across card; age-toned; vertical crease; postmark affecting text,
including "G" of signature and adressee's name. Very good.
Personal "Compliments" Card.
Light cream
card (4-1/2" x 2-1/8"), printed in black "With Bernard Shaw's
Compliments * / Ayot St.
Lawrence, Welwyn, Herts." and dated in Shaw's hand, "3/10/29".
One corner bumped; lightly age-toned. Fine.
We'll never know what this accompanied, or to whom Shaw was sending it ...
Personal Note Paper.
Unused sheet of
"Ayot Saint Lawrence, Welwyn, Herts." notepaper headed "From Bernard
Shaw"; cream light paper measuring 5" x 6"; a touch toned, yet clean and
[Prospectus]. 30 Years with G.B.S. by Blanche Patch. 4 pp. Canadian
(Burton's Limited, Montreal) folder advertising book by "Mr. Shaw's private
secretary for the last 30 years of his life" on first 2 p., with publisher's
ads for "The Works of George Bernard Shaw ... Standard Edition" on final 2 p.;
GBS portrait on front. Horizontal folds rubbed; light wrinkling; 2 pencilled
checkmarks within. Near fine.
Includes notation re Buoyant Billions : "It has
been limited to one thousand numbered copies, of which only one hundred are
available in Canada
Broad, C. Lewis and Broad, Violet M. Dictionary to the Plays and Novels of
Bernard Shaw. London: A. & C. Black, 1929. [First edition]. "With
bibliography of his works and of the literature concerning him with a
record of the principal Shavian play productions." Original brick red
cloth, with blind stamped decoration (Shaw medalion) on front and gilt
lettering on spine; 4 pp. publisher's ads at rear; tail of spine a touch
creased. Light foxing to endpapers and adjacent leaves; small bookseller's
label removed from rear pastedown.
pictorial (Shaw) dust jacket, a bit dusty; minor wear and light chipping
at extremities. A fine volume in near fine dust jacket.
[----- Another copy]. This one in pinkish-red cloth; gilt
lettering on faintly speckled spine now bronzed; some sunning at top edge,
more so at spine ends; front cover bowed. Edges and pastedowns and a few
pages faintly foxed. Defective dust jacket now soiled and edge worn, lacking
several pieces, especially at spine ends; 1.5" label partially removed from
now tanned and rubbed spine. A very good copy of this useful reference book.
Ervine, St John. Bernard Shaw: His Life, Work and Friends. London:
Constable & Company, 1956. First edition. Illustrated with photographs
of Shaw and his contemporaries. Original dark blue cloth, lightly speckled
on gilt-lettered spine; lower corners bumped; faint scoring to front cover,
now slightly bowed. Lower corner of preliminary leaves lightly creased;
contents clean and tight. A near fine copy.
Hanley, Tullah Innes. The Strange Triangle of G.B.S. Boston: Bruce
Humphries, 1956. [First edition]. Signed by the author on front
endpaper . Original red boards, poorly but brightly lettered in
gilt on spine;
coloured pictorial dust jacket. A fine copy of this novel based on
Shaw's relationship with the Charringtons, his leading lady and her
Holroyd, Michael. Bernard Shaw: Volume I - 1856-1898, The Search for
Love. London: Chatto & Windus, 1988. [First edition]. A fine copy
in original black boards, and pictorial (young Shaw) dust jacket, a touch
creased at spine ends and very lightly rubbed on rear panel.
Loewenstein, F.E. The Rehearsal Copies of Bernard Shaw's Plays.
London: Reinhardt & Evans, 1950. [First edition]. Original printed
lavender wrappers, a little soiled and faded at margins; back cover a little
dog-eared with minor damage to top left corner. A fascinating census,
surely a labour of love for the author.
Contains Shaw's preferatory note and his "Rhymed Prologue to Fanny's
First Play". Shaw also revised the author's introduction.
Pearson, Hesketh. Bernard Shaw: His Life and Personality. London:
Collins, 1942. [First edition]. Illustrated with sepia photographs of
Shaw and his contemporaries. Publisher's gilt-lettered deep red cloth,
bumped at spine ends and a touch dusty; front cover slightly bowed; pages
slightly age-toned. Brownish-red dust jacket, printed in yellow; a bit
dusty overall; spine lightly sunned. A fine copy.
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