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Works By Rudyard Kipling
"I forget who started the notion of my writing a series of
Anglo-Indian tales ... They were originally much longer than when they
appeared, but the shortening of them, first to my own fancy after
rapturous re-readings, and next to the space available, taught me that a
tale from which pieces have been raked out is like a fire that has been
poked. One does not know that the operation has been performed, but
everyone feels the effect."
-- From Something of Myself
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Bibliographical references are to
Bibliograhy of the Works of Rudyard Kipling.
By Flora V. Livingston.
Rudyard Kipling: A Bibliography
By David Alan Richards.
Works by Kipling
Kipling, Rudyard. The Absent
Minded Begar. [London: Daily Mail, 1899].[Art edition, i.e. First
illustrated edition].
Kipling, Rudyard. Actions and Reactions. New York: Doubleday, Page
& Company, 1909. [First US edition]. Publisher's dark green cloth,
lettered in gilt and decorated (Viking ship) in black; top edge gilt; now
a bit tired; spine ends creased and worn; boards faintly marked, yet
lettering and decoration still nice and bright. Ink gift inscription on
front endpaper; rear endpaper cracked, joint strong. A very good copy.
Kipling, Rudyard. Danny Deever. New York: F.M. Buckles & Company,
[n.d., 1899]. From Buckles's Kipling Booklets series. 8 pp. booklet printed
in dark blue and red, with frontispiece of the author.
Textured cream
wrappers, also in dark blue and red, tied with bright yellow thread;
lightly dusty overall, a trifle soiled. Fine.
Kipling, Rudyard. The Eyes of Asia. Garden City, New York:
Doubleday, Page & Company, 1918. [First American edition, first issue*].
Original blue-grey boards, with cream cloth spine, and white title labels
printed in black and ruled in red on front and spine; one corner bumped;
a touch dusty overall; spine now darkened, head rubbed. Very faint evidence
of damp to gutters of a few pages (no external evidence at all); small
pencilled ownership name to gutter of contents page. A near fine copy.
(Livingston #414)
* First issue lacks an "i" in "which" on line 8, p.78.
The essays collected here were first pubished in France's La Revue des
Deux Mondes, London's Morning Post and The Saturday Evening
Post. They had also been previously published by Doubleday in individual
pamphlets of 60 copies each, but destroyed prior to distribution. Text was
much revised prior to publication in this format. (cf. Richards and Livingston)
Kipling, Rudyard. A Fleet In Being: Notes of Two Trips With the
Channel Squadron. London: Macmillan, 1898. [First edition, cloth
issue]. Lightly soiled
pictorial cloth, sunned on spine and bumped at ends and corners. A
near fine copy.
Kipling, Rudyard. Limits and Renewals. London: Macmillan,
1932. [First edition]. Usual Macmillan crimson cloth with gilt elephant-head
medallion on front; top edge gilt; spine a bit darkened; back cover a
just trifle bowed; gilt nice and bright. Bookseller's label on rear endpaper.
A fine volume, with fragile remnants of dust jacket (panels in tact, spine in
fragments) laid in.
"...Three [stories] are now published for the first time: 'The Tie,' 'Aunt
Ellen' and 'Uncovenanted Mercies.'
"The fourteen stories ... include eighteen poems which are now published
for the first time." (cf. dust jacket flap)
Kipling, Rudyard. The Seven Seas. London: Methuen, 1896. [Colonial
edition]. "Methuen's Colonial Library." Original bluish-green cloth, gilt
lettered on spine; covers a little spotted and marked; spine ends rubbed
and worn; colonial library catalogue printed on endpapers. Ink name and
contemporary date on half title; 39 pp. publisher's catalogue dated October
1896 at rear. A near fine copy of the colonial edition.
Kipling, Rudyard [and Robinson, W. Heath (illus.)]. A Song of the
English. London: Hodder & Stoughton, [n.d., ca.1913]. "With
illustrations by W. Heath Robinson." Original dark blue cloth lettered in
gilt on spine and decorated (St. George and the dragon) on front, all bright
and sharp; top edge gilt; a few speckles to front cover; corners a touch
rubbed; faint trace of small label removed from lower spine. Ink gift
inscription (dated Xmas 1913) on front endpaper; both free endpapers tanned;
text pages lightly foxed. A near fine copy.
While the editions cited in the bibliographies are described as having
either the original twenty-two coloured plates or a reduced suite of
sixteen plates, this version has only twelve, as called for. Each is
accompanied by a captioned tissue guard.
Kipling, Rudyard. Stalky & Co. London: Macmillan and Co., 1899.
First UK edition (US precedes by three weeks). The first use of Macmillan's
usual Kipling binding of red cloth with gilt lettering on spine and embossed
elephant-head medallion on front; covers now a darkened on spine and faintly
so around edges, with elephant lightly chafed; corners, bottom edge and joints
a bit rubbed, light wear to spine ends. Bookplate; endpapers foxed, front one
tanned where facing bookplate; text age-toned; 2 pp. publisher's ads at rear.
A very good copy. (Livingston #216)
Kipling, Rudyard. Tommy. New York: F.M. Buckles & Company, [n.d.,
1899]. From Buckles's Kipling Booklets series. 8 pp. booklet printed in
light blue and brown, with frontispiece of the author.
Pale green wrappers,
also in light blue and brown, tied with bright yellow thread; hint of
dusting; shadow of crease to lower edge. Fine.
Kipling, Rudyard. The Years Between. Garden City, New York: Doubleday,
Page & Company, 1919. First US edition. Publisher's original decorated
(Viking ship in black) dark green cloth, lettered in gilt; top edge gilt;
lettering now a little dulled on spine, ends creased. Bookseller's label on
rear pastedown. Near fine.
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