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sale, and orders

Our stock includes many fiction titles ranging from literary works to
modern novels, adventure stories to drama, historic fiction to classic
poetry. The authors range from the late 19th to the early 21st centuries,
with an empahsis on British and Canadian fiction. Their works can be found herein,
arranged alphabetically by author.
Included here are first, signed and special limited editions of
works by Canadian, British, Australian and American authors. There are
also later editions, most of them notable for one reason or another,
including condition, illustrations, new prefaces, etc. Each is fully
described and annotated.
Specialty lists include the works of Rudyard
Kipling, Lewis Carroll and
Sir Winston Churchill,
as well as a selection of Britain's Man-Booker
Prize winners and publications of
the Mosher Press.
Our stock may include other works, not yet listed, by these or other authors.
Please feel free to enquire if you don't find the book you want.
To view our alphabetically arranged fiction list,
use the links below
Many of the books on this list have been illustrated;
to see them, either
browse through the images,
or click on the link embedded in the book's description
to go straight to its picture.
For caricatures of many of the authors represented herein
check the
Literary & Men of Letters pages
in our Vanity Fair Print Gallery.
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Conditions of sale, and orders
Phone: (514) 935-9581
Wilfrid M. de Freitas
P.O. Box 232, Westmount Station
Westmount, Quebec, Canada H3Z 2T2
Last updated: 5/11/18
Site maintained by Susan