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First, Signed
and Limited Editions List
Works By and About Lewis Carroll
Welcome to our latest Lewis Carroll list! The majority of items are
recent acquisitions. Previously listed items have been reviewed and
some of their prices adjusted, which will repay dilligent checking.
As a long-time member of the Lewis Carroll Societies of North America and
Canada, I've enjoyed the company of Carrollians far and wide; in fact,
on reflection, I think my wife and I enjoy their company more than the books
At the risk of irritating some people, we have used "LC" for "Lewis Carroll"
throughout, and we've also used the following less controversial abbreviations:
- AIW (Alice in Wonderland)
- TTLG (Through the Looking-Glass)
- LCSNA (Lewis Carroll Society of North America)
- LCSC (Lewis Carroll Society of Canada)
Many of the items have been scanned; view the images by linking
from the individual entries or browse through them by connecting to the
Lewis Carroll Gallery.
For ease of reference, we've divided the list into five sections,
cross-referenced as best we can, but of course we may have missed one or
two, so please check carefully (no prizes for finding any we missed!).
To browse a specific section of books, select from the list below.
Unless otherwise specified, citations (WMGC#) are from
The Lewis Carroll Handbook
by Williams and Madan; revised by Green and Crutch
(Folkestone, England: Dawson - Archon Books, 1979)
Works By

Carroll, Lewis. Alice in Wonderland. London: P.R. Gawthorn,
1945. Reprint. Illustrated and with eight colour plates by Rene
Cloke. Original orange cloth badly soiled and marked, and a little
bowed; lettering still sharp. Gift inscription inside front cover;
endpapers a bit soiled with faint evidence of childish tracing; a
few internal finger marks. A stop-gap copy until a better one
becomes available. [WMGC p.241]
Carroll, Lewis. Eight or Nine Wise Words about Letter-Writing.
Oxford: Emberlin and Son, [n.d.,ca.1910-15]. Reprint. Small (approx. 3" x 4")
40 pp. booklet, with 4 pp. of Macmillan and Emberlin ads at rear, including
Feeding the Mind, thereby dating this edition after 1907. Fine copy.
Together with
The Stamp Case. Fine copy.
Also with
The Stamp Case sleeve. Third edition. With "Published by Emberlin and
Son ... etc" above Cheshire Cat, and post free price preceding the cash price.
Fine copy.
And with
The Envelope. Third edition. Lightly faded, and torn with minor loss
at corners.
All together four
pieces. [WMGC #223d(3); #223; #223c; &
#223d respectively]
Carroll, Lewis. Eight or Nine Wise Words About Letter-Writing.
Oxford: Emberlin and Son, [n.d., ca.1910-15]. Reprint. Small (approx. 3" x 4")
40 pp. booklet., with 4 pp. of Macmillan and Emberlin ads at rear, including
Feeding the Mind, thereby dating this edition after 1907. Fine copy.
Together with
The Stamp Case. Third edition. Fine copy.
Also with
The Stamp Case sleeve. Third edition. With "Published by/Emberlin and
Son...etc" above Cheshire Cat, and post free price preceding the cash price. 1/4"
split at bottom of opening. Fine copy.
And with
The Envelope. Third edition. Soiled and torn lacking most of the flap plus
small part of front (no loss of text). All together four pieces.
[WMGC #223d(3); #223; #223c; & #223d respectively]
Carroll, Lewis. Feeding The Mind. London: Chatto & Windus,
1907. First edition. "With a prefatory note by William H. Draper".
The notoriously fragile deluxe issue in
flexible gilt stamped
burgundy leather; top edge gilt, with silk marker; worn and scuffed at
edges; spine unevenly repaired with minor loss at head, and leaning slightly
to left. Endpapers lightly browned at margins from binder's glue leaching
through; upper blank margin of p.V professionally rebuilt. [WMGC #290-1,
leather issue]
Carroll, Lewis. Feeding the Mind. London: Chatto & Windus,
1907. First edition, [later issue?*]. Original
decoratively printed
grey wrappers with burgundy buckram spine. Save for a small snag at to
head of spine, a fine, bright copy of the wrapper issue not often found in
collector's condition. [WMGC #290-1, wrapper issue]
* WMGC states: "... There is another, perhaps later, issue in stiff grey
printed wrappers."
[----- Another copy]. This one a little
age-toned, with burgundy buckram spine slightly worn at head. Contents
clean and tight. Near fine. [WMGC #290-1, wrapper issue]
Carroll, Lewis. A Selection from the Letters
of Lewis Carroll ... London: Macmillan, 1933. First edition.
Nonsense Songs (The Songs that Came Out Wrong)
from Alice in Wonderland: A Song-Cycle ... London: Chappell,
1908. First edition.
Carroll, Lewis. The Rectory Magazine. Austin, TX & London:
University of Texas Press, 1975. Facsimile edition. #273 of "A
limited and numbered edition ... printed for friends of the
University of Texas Press ..." Original pictorial
light card wrappers
with facsimile of fifth edition title page on front cover. Nicely
produced (as one would expect) on excellent quality paper. Fine copy.
[WMGC #322]
"Being a Compendium of the best tales, poems,
essays, pictures &c that the united talents of the Rectory
inhabitants can produce." An excellent facsimile of one of the eight
children's magazines that LC edited as a youth.
Carroll, Lewis. Rhyme? and Reason?. London: Macmillan and Co.,
1883. First edition. Original apple-green cloth,
covers and gilt bright
and sharp; spine a little darkened and leaning slightly. Top edge brown,
others yellow. Bookplate; inner hinges cracked, but strong; contents
excellent. A fine copy. [WMGC #160]
Carroll, Lewis. Through the Looking-Glass and what Alice Found There.
London: Macmillan and Co., 1926. Reprint. Tenniel illustrations. Larger format;
bluish-grey pictorial
(Alice and Humpty-Dumpty) cloth. Poor quality paper now evenly age-toned
but in fine condition; first three leaves faintly dinged (about 3"); 122 +
2 pp. ads at rear. A fine copy.
Carroll, Lewis. The Wasp in a Wig. New York: LCSNA, 1977.
First edition. "Carroll Studies no.2." "A 'Suppressed' Episode of Through
The Looking-Glass And What Alice Found There". "With a Preface,
Introduction and Notes by Martin Gardner." Fine copy in original
dark red textured
card wrappers. Some pages unopened. Edition limited to five hundred
Carroll, Lewis. The Wasp in a Wig: A "Suppressed" Episode of
Through The Looking-Glass... New York: Clarkson Potter, 1977.
First American Trade Edition. "Edited by Edward Guiliano, with a
Preface, Introduction and Notes by Martin Gardner." Fine copy in
original light brown boards;
blue and green dust
jacket a little creased and scuffed.
Carroll, Lewis. The Wasp in a Wig. London: Macmillan, 1977.
First UK edition. "A 'Suppressed'Episode of Through the Looking-Glass
and What Alice Found There." With a Preface, Introduction and Notes
by Martin Gardner. Fine copy in original
brick-red boards
and dust jacket.
Carroll, Lewis. The Wasp in a Wig. London: Macmillan, 1977.
First UK edition. "A 'Suppressed' Episode of Through the
Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There." "With a preface,
introduction and notes by Martin Gardner." With gift inscription on
front endpaper. Fine copy in original brick-red boards and dust jacket.
[Souvenir]. Oval 5" x 31/2" transfer for
the "Alice at Longleat" exhibition, Warminster, England in 1973.
in blue and black on white background. As issued.
Plays, Parodies and
Carroll, Lewis and Lehmann, Liza. Nonsense Songs (The Songs that Came Out
Wrong) from Alice in Wonderland. London: Chappell & Co. Ltd, 1908.
First edition. "A Song-Cycle for Soprano, Contralto, Tenor and Bass. The Lyrics
by Lewis Carroll, The Music by Liza Lehmann". Large format musical score
in original grey wrappers,
decorated (Alice
characters) in red, white and green;
edges a little chipped and spine lacking small piece at tail; corners a little
creased; light age toning. Ink name and contemporary date at top corner of
title-page, contents otherwise very clean and tight. Unusual in such fine
Debenham, Frank. Navigation With Alice. London: Hodder &
Stoughton, 1961. [First edition]. Tenniel-style illustrations by Anne
Scarisbrick. "An intriguing combination of Alice in Wonderland and
instruction in navigation" (cf. dust jacket blurb). Original
pictorial gilt
(Tweedle-twin holding open navigation chart) pale blue cloth, gilt
lettered on spine. Ownership label on front end-paper, with faint traces
of erased red pencilled price; contents fine.
Yellow pictorial
(price-clipped) dust jacket lightly soiled. Fine copy.
Hamilton, Walter, comp. Parodies of the Works of English and American Authors. London: Reeves & Turner, 1887. First edition. Carroll parodies include Alice in Wonderland, The Walrus and the Carpenter and Jabberwocky (pp.55-59).
Blake, Kathleen. Play, Games, and Sport: The Literary works of Lewis
Carroll. Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 1974. First edition.
"[The author] shows how games give form and meaning to the Alices ... Snark, A
Tangled Tale, and ... Sylvie and Bruno" (cf.dust jacket blurb).
A fine copy in dust
Cohen, Morton N. Reflections in a Looking Glass. New York: Aperture,
1998.First edition. "A Centennial celebration of Lewis Carroll, Photographer".
A sumptuous production stunningly illustrated with superb sepia and colour
reproductions of LC's photos of a wide variety of subjects divided into sections
such as Kith and Kin, Angels from Heaven and Lion Hunting (i.e.famous people,
like Ruskin, Tennyson, and D.G. Rossetti). Presentation copy from the
author "For --------- with love from Mort. New York, October 29, 1998".
Original 3/4 cream boards with burgundy cloth spine. Fine
in fine,
photo-pictorial dust jacket.
Collingwood, Stuart Dodgson. The Life and Letters of Lewis Carroll
(Rev. C.L. Dodgson). London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1899. Second
edition. Original pale
green bevelled buckram, lettered and decorated in gilt; covers a
little faded, spine darkened but gilt still reasonably bright except at
foot of spine. Ink signature and contemporary date on front endpaper;
some foxing to first and last leaves; contents clean and tight. A very
good copy of this classic by LC's nephew. [WMGC #501, reprint]
Collingwood, Stuart Dodgson. The Life and Letters of Lewis Carroll
(Rev. C.L. Dodgson). New York: Century Co., 1899. First US
edition. Original
gilt lettered and decorated
(bright on front) dark red cloth, severely faded at spine with gilt
dulled but legible; spine ends a little rubbed and worn; top edge gilt.
Rear inner hinge reglued; contents clean and tight. A very good copy of
this classic by LC's nephew. [WMGC #501, US edition]
Collingwood, Stuart Dodgson. The Life and Letters of Lewis Carroll
(Rev. C.L. Dodgson). London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1908. Eleventh thousand.
decorated light and
dark green cloth, titled in red; spine a little faded. Apparently
lacking a leaf between title and dedication; contents otherwise clean and
tight. Intriguingly, the verso of title reads "Third Impression, July,
de la Mare, Walter. Lewis Carroll. London: Faber & Faber, 1932.
First edition. Original orange cloth with gilt spine lettering; a couple of
small faded patches, caused by chips and holes in severely chipped
sea green dust jacket.
A very good copy.[WMGC #509a]
Fisher, John (ed.). The Magic of Lewis Carroll. New York:
Simon and Schuster, 1973. First US edition. A fresh look at LC's word
games and puzzles. A fine copy
in striking pictorial
dust jacket.
Guiliano, Edward (ed.). Lewis Carroll: A Celebration. New York: Clarkson
N. Potter, 1982. First edition. "Essays on the Occasion of the 150th Anniversary
of the birth of Charles Lutwidge Dodgson." Contributors include Morton Cohen,
Edward Guiliano, Jean Gattégno; nicely illustrated. A fine copy in
original pinkish boards, with black cloth spine lettered in gilt.
Pictorial (four photos
of LC at various ages) dust jacket just a trifle rubbed near spine; with hint
of fading to spine.
Guiliano, Edward (ed.). Lewis Carroll Observed: A Collection of
Unpublished Photographs, Drawings, Poetry, and Essays. New
York: Clarkson Potter, 1976. First edition. A "... penetrating
commentary on the Alice books, The Hunting of the Snark, and Sylvie
and Bruno..." (cf. dust jacket). Essays by Martin Gardner, Elizabeth
Sewell, Morton Cohen and others. In original half red cloth
and boards. Ink name and date inside front cover.
Pictorial (LC)
dust jacket a trifle rubbed at spine ends; short closed tear at upper
edge of front panel, and another at lower edge of rear. A near fine
[Cover title] Lewis Carroll 1832-1932. New York: Columbia University Press, 1932.
First edition. "Catalogue of an Exhibition to Commemorate the One Hundredth
Anniversary of the Birth of Lewis Carroll. Avery Library, Columbia
University/ April, 1932." Original red wrappers simply titled in black on front
cover. Faded at and around spine; chipped and worn with loss at head and tail. Ink names on front
end-paper, contents otherwise clean and tight. Edition limited to fifteen hundred copies.
Slavitt, David R. Alice at 80. London: Severn House Publishers, 1985.
First edition. "A Novel about Lewis Carroll's Dreamchild". Original gilt
lettered cream boards, in photo pictorial ('Alice as a beggar girl' by LC) dust
Taylor, Robert N. (comp.) Lewis Carroll at Texas: The Warren
Weaver Collection and Related Dodgson Materials at the Harry Ransom
Humanities Research Center. Austin, TX: University of Texas at
Austin, 1985. First edition. Carroll Studies Number 8. One of three
hundred copies distributed by the LCSNA. A nicely illustrated
catalogue of this legendary collection.
Original purple card
wrappers, with familiar photo of LC seated in armchair; trifle
rubbed at edges. A fine copy.
Thomas, Donald. Lewis Carroll: A Portrait with Background. London: John
Murray, 1996. First edition. A fine copy in
striking pictorial
dust jacket; with excellent illustration section at centre. Yet another
biography, by the author of Belladonna: A Lewis Carroll Nightmare.
Warner, Maria; Taylor, Roger and Bakewell, Michael Lewis Carroll. London:
The British Council, 1998. First edition. Original
pictorial (LC facsimile
manuscript background; photo insets of young LC on front and [Alice?] on rear)
boards, with blue cloth spine and corners; faint 2" surface abrasion on front cover.
Printed marbled endpapers; superbly produced in two colours on high-quality stock
Actually the catalogue for the British Council Exhibition, with three nicely
illustrated essays, followed by a section of ca.25 sepia reproductions of LC
photographs, of the highest quality. Near fine.
The First Carroll Bibliography
Williams, Sidney Herbert. A Bibliography of the Writings of Lewis Carroll
(Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, M.A.). London: "The Bookman's Journal", 1924.
First edition. #14 of 700 copies. Original gilt lettered two-toned
brown cloth, in the
uncommon dust jacket;
dampstain at lower rear corner (not affecting cloth). Presentation copy to
A.J. Hoppé. A fine copy with nice inscription to this well known editor.
[WMGC #505]
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